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rainbow boa造句

"rainbow boa"是什么意思  
  • Rainbow boas are solitary, associating only to mate.
  • Rainbow boas are known for their attractive iridescent sheen on their scales in the sunlight.
  • Rainbow boas, like all boas in the Boidae family, are non-venomous snakes that subdue their prey with constriction.
  • However, the Colombian Rainbow boa, " Epicrates maurus " can also reproduce by facultative parthenogenesis resulting in production of WW female progeny.
  • This form of automixis has been observed in the water flea " Daphnia magna " and the Colombian rainbow boa constrictor " Epicrates maurus ".
  • More semi-arboreal when young, rainbow boas may climb into trees and shrubs to forage and avoid land predators, however, they become mostly terrestrial with age.
  • This sub-species, being the northernmost rainbow boa, is found in rainforests and drier coastal clearings in its range; southern Central America, Trinidad & Tobago and northern South America.
  • "' Koetthoefer Animal Building "'- rainbow boa, tamarin, genet, Sumatran tiger, sun bear, and amur leopards ( tiger, bear, and leopard feedings at 4 : 00 pm)
  • "' Reptiles and invertebrates "'at the zoo include Madagascan hissing cockroaches, royal pythons, two-spot assassin bugs, giant African land snails, bearded dragons, rainbow boas, Mexican redknee tarantulas, leopard geckos, Honduran milk snakes, Chilean rose tarantulas, curly-haired tarantulas, and Tanzanian red-legged millipedes.
  • Three other boas, namely " Boa constrictor " ( locally called the macajuel ), " Corallus ruschenbergerii " ( a tree boa locally called the cascabel dormilon ) and " Epicrates maurus " ( a rainbow boa ) are found in forest and forest edge habitats throughout both islands ( with the last even being common in some urban areas ).
  • It's difficult to see rainbow boa in a sentence. 用rainbow boa造句挺难的
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